Accept credit card  payments online using a secure virtual terminal 

Utilizing a virtual terminal is a safe and secure way to take payments.

A virtual terminal is a web-based solution that provides new ways for your business to accept payments from over the phone, through the mail, or online.

Virtual terminals also offer the ability:

Subscription service/recurring billing

Safeguard your customers’ personal and credit card information in a secure payment system. Streamline your payments by accepting payments (via credit card or ACH) for recurring products and services like software, support, wellness care, and more. Within the platform you can even setup customize contracts with optional add-ons and discounts.

Save money with Purchase level card acceptance

Save on credit card processing fees by accessing Level 2 and 3 data entry to secure the most optimal interchange rates for payments processed through the virtual terminal.

Email invoices and get paid faster today

Get paid faster with email-to-pay, text-to-pay, and online payments. Easily generate and send out invoices to clients. Customers can then use the hosted payment page to pay their invoice safely and securely via credit card, digital wallet, or even echeck.

Learn more about virtual terminal processing.

Start increasing your sales and speak with a knowledgeable representative today about accepting payments online today.

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